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Windows cannot connect to the printer. Access is denied

This is the simplest way to fix this problem.
With XP Home, you can't disable Simple File Sharing.
Or can you? Fortunately, you can, temporarily, by starting up in "Safe Mode with Networking".
1. Restart you computer and keep pressing F8 to Start Windows in "Safe Mode with Networking"
2. Select "Safe Mode with Networking" and press enter
3. Login as Administrator
4. Click Start , and then click My Computer.
5. In My computer , double-click the hard disk drive on which Windows XP is installed.
NOTE: By default, Windows XP is installed on Local Disk (C.
6. Double-click Windows .
NOTE: If you receive a "These Files are hidden" message, click Show the contents of this folder to view the contents of the folder.
7. Double-click System32 .
NOTE: If you receive a "These Files are hidden" message, click Show the contents of this folder to view the contents of the folder.
8. Right-click Spool , and then click Properties .
9. On the Security tab , click Advanced .
10. On the Permissions tab, click Add, then click Advanced.
11. In the Select User or Group, click Find Now, choose Network, click OK, click OK on more time.
12. In the Apply onto list, click This Folder, subfolders and files.
13. In the Permissions list, locate Full Control , click to select the Allow check box, and then click OK .
14. In the Advanced Security Settings for spool dialog box, click Apply , and then click OK .
15. In the Spool Properties dialog box, click OK .
16. Add the shared printer to the Windows Vista-based computer. ( No More Access Denied message!!!!!!!!)

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